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Friday, March 20, 2009


JIMBEOBOD!!!!!! That was the subject line of a spam email I received yesterday and I thought it sounded awesome. :) I just thought I would share that with you.

So the home inspection on Wednesday went very well. The place only needs about 80 bux worth of repairs and most (if not all) of those can be finished in a single weekend. Now we just sit around and wait for the financing stuff to come together. Man buying a house sure is slow. It seems like a whole lot of hurry up and wait. So while we wait I have put together a second MEGA POST!*

*For those unfamiliar with a MEGA POST it is simply a collection of stuff I have found online over the past week or so that I have found interesting or weird but have yet to post about.

Batman Icons

Over the years Batman has been instantly recognizable by his bat shaped icon. In fact the Tim Burton movie poster for 1989's Batman was just that icon and little else.

Well here is a video of all the various Batman icons over the years.

Music Videos

In the first MEGA POST I mentioned tilt shift photography. (I guess I also mentioned it another time too) In a nut shell it's a way to make things look small and animated. Here is a music video that is completely shot using tilt shift photography.

Bathtub IV from Keith Loutit on Vimeo.

While on the subject of music videos here is a weird music video directed by Llamasoft, creators of tripped out, gamer-bewlidering video games like Tempest 2000 and Space Giraffe.

"The eye is easily frightened." - Emerson

Here is a collection of amazing eye pictures using micro photography.

Before the Slaughterhouse

I just thought this was a neat picture.

Photo via FILE Magazine

Vader Project

The Vader Project is a traveling exhibition that displays artistic reimaginings of the iconic Darth Vader helmet. A neat idea that I always found a bit lame until I found this image.

It is a collaborative work between artists Tristan Eaton and AZK ONE. Be sure to hit up the link above for more Vader Project masks.

Urban Camouflage

I stumbled upon a few Urban Camouflage videos on youtube a while back. I've been planning on doing a post about it but never got around to it. So here it is in the MEGA POST!

Stuff You Can Buy

How about a giant door stop that says "STOP" for your door? (Buy it here)

If that isn't your thing how about a remote controlled flying "FUCK" for your home or office? (Buy it here)

How about a TV stand with built in speakers? (Buy it here)

What to Try to do in a Recession

Image via Greyscalegorilla

What the next Mega Man should be

Are you at all surprised I got something video game related into the MEGA POST? This is a video that was created by Peter Sjostrand. This is not a real game but if it was I would be a very happy camper. Maybe someday I'll get to play all the video games of my dreams....

Lantern Festival

Last month in China one village celebrated the same way they have for 500 years - by throwing molten iron at a wall to create showers of make-do fireworks. The spectacle is called Da shu hua and usually lasts about an hour. With no protection save for a hat and a sheepskin coat the throwers are barely protected from the molten metal. It is a pretty amazing video and if you are ever in the village of Nanchuan in China during the Latern Festival be sure to bring a camera.

5 Seconds

If you still have 5 seconds to spare after reading the whole MEGA POST, head over to 5 Second Films for a series of 5 second films. It's not just a cleaver name because all the movies are only 5 seconds long. Here is my favorite.

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