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Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Dead Bird Day...yesterday

OK I understand that yesterday was Thanksgiving but I was pretty busy so Happy Holidays.

Is anyone going out shopping on Black Friday? I plan on doing a lot of my shopping today...online. You would have to be crazy to go out on a busy shopping day like this. Just looking out my window I can see that the road in front of the mall is backed up for miles. Thanks but I would rather have my purchases shipped to me. Hell I can do all my shopping in my underwear if I want to. Try doing that at one of those big box stores and see how far it gets you.

Does anyone remember those tilt-shift time-lapse videos I posted a few months back? If you don't you really need to read this blog a little closer. For shame. :(

I found a new one of a monster truck rally which is perhaps the most extraordinary videos I've seen online today.

Metal Heart from Keith Loutit on Vimeo.

Figures crossed I hear about that Tomb Raider Contest sometime this week. In the meantime I won't discuss it any more until I find out the winner. Oh and I have posted some new artwork and photography stuff in my pictures section.

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