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Thursday, October 9, 2008


I know that lately all my posts have been about weird stuff I find on the internet and not to much about what I have been up to.  I do have a bunch of stuff I emailed to myself that I wanted to share with you so I'm going to try and get as much of that out of the way today as I can.

Tilt Shift Photography

These three videos were done by an Australian photographer Keith Loutit.  In a nutshell you change the focus and the angle of a normal photograph or film image to make it appear to be built from miniatures.  In fact these are just ordinary everyday things that are filmed with tilt shift photography to make them seem small.

I thought they were kind of neat.

iJet Solar Cells

While on the subject of people from Australia doing cool things we might as well talk about 23 year old PhD student, Nicole Kuepper.  She has figured out a way to make very cheap solar cells.  The really cool thing is that she can make these solar cells with nothing more than some nail polish remover, a pizza oven and a standard inkjet printer.  

Humans vs. Zombies - Tag

The rules of Humans vs. Zombies are pretty simple.  Zombies tag a human and the human then becomes a zombie.  The goal is to not be tagged by a zombie and stay a human until the end of the game.  Zombies can be stunned for 15 minutes by a balled up sock or a Nerf gun.  A group of college students from Goucher College in Towson, Md., is credited with starting this whole awesome game up.  Here is the best part; the game involves hundreds of people all playing the game 24 hours a day for days at a time.  The humans try and fight off the ever growing numbers of the undead.

I hope someone starts to play this here in Madison.  I would so be down for some Humans vs. Zombies.

What is the best way to get rid of a sex doll?

Well the wrong way is to bound it's feet and hands with twine, wrap it up in a sleeping bag and bury it in a shallow grave out in the woods.  

This happened recently in Japan when a 60 year old man, who had been living with the sex doll for a few years after his wife passed away, decided to move in with his kids.  He dumped the doll in the wooded area and someone stumbled upon a sleeping bag with some hair hanging out on one end and feet out the other and jumped to conclusions.

The police didn't notice that it wasn't a real body until it was unwrapped for the post-mortem exam.  As you can guess hilarity ensued.  The poor guy was all over the press and now may face a charge for violating Japan's waste management laws.

It almost sounds like a bad romantic comedy starring Jason Biggs.

How to kills a hard drive

The answer to that is of course Thermite.

I guess it would be a bit of over kill for some but if you have to completely obliterate a drive it seems like a good option.  Just look at what the hard drive looks like afterward.

And just for good measure here is another picture of the wanton destruction.

Hidden Data

If I didn't live in an apartment I would do this tomorrow just because it's so cool.  

A flash drive hidden in a phone socket to hide some of your data.  I don't know what I would hide there but it's pretty awesome anyway.

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