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Friday, January 29, 2010

Prepare to Have Your Brain Exploded

OK the universe is big right?

Like super big.

So big you can't even really wrap your head around how big it truly is. In fact if you think about it too much your brain kind of just farts and collapses in on itself for a few hours. You end up stuck and mumbling to yourself about how useless it all is. Then you forget about the vast expanding universe and go back to worrying about BBQ Cheddar Cheetos. Sure you can sit around and have deep conversations about how we are really fucking nothing compaired to the emptiness of space. For some people they love to do that. Others spend their entire lives just looking into space trying to find anything in the blackness. Now to illustrate my point of how the universe can make you feel small I want you to watch this video from the Hayden Planetarium called The Known Universe.

Wow right? I see that and all i can think is that in all that space and we are the only ones with BBQ Cheddar Cheetos.....anywhere. Just think about that for a minute.

We are the only ones.

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