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Monday, September 19, 2011

The Love of Graphic Design

Below you will find a trailer for the podcast "Same Shit, Different Show." It is a podcast that talks to filmmakers about all things film. An interesting podcast for sure but this trailer really made me appreciate my decision to focusing on Graphic/Web Design for the last four years and less and less on film making. Don't get me wrong, I still love making short films and I have a stack of ideas that never stops growing. The problem is the super long hours and all the hard work that goes into making them. It's much easier to sit around in your underwear and crack out a new skateboard design or website while drinking tea. While Graphic/Web Design still takes long hours and lots of hard work, most people recognize the skill involved in making a piece of artwork. Far fewer people recognize the amount of work that goes into making a video. Even a simple video can take 8 or 9 hours if you really want it to look good. If only people knew how much time and effort goes into making movies. Years of peoples lives are gone just to make one film. So next time you see a bad movie, think about how much work went into it.

Same Shit Different Show Trailer from Buz Wallick on Vimeo.

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