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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Two Weeks of Creativity

What if for two weeks you did one thing creative a day?

You don't have to create a masterpiece but you do have to create something everyday for two weeks. This is an idea I put before my friend Mike on Sunday of this week. You see his girlfriend had to travel back to Canada so naturally he was a bit sad. In order to make time fly by I suggested he stayed busy doing some creative things. One creative project a day and when his girlfriend returned he would have a cool bunch of things to show her.

A simple idea but after suggesting it I thought I should do the same. So for the next two weeks, Mike and I will be creating once piece of artwork a day and I'll post my results here on the blog.

Yesterday was day one and the theme was flowers.

(Original Picture via Flickr)

Today's theme is "Big & Small" and I have no idea what I'm going to do for that one.

Oh in other news the banana ice cream is awesome with some melted peanut butter on top.

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