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Friday, December 5, 2008

The Powerbook Prank

If you are reading this than you are well aware that not only is eBay full of good deals but it is also full of people looking to rip you off.  Some of them are just charging too much for an item and other are just trying to get you to send them your money for nothing in return.

Awhile back I read about a guy who was selling a Mac Powerbook on eBay when one such individual tried to scam him into mailing him the Powerbook without payment.  It's a pretty long story but he ended up mailing the scammer a P-P-P-Powerbook instead.

It turns out the scammer was in London and when you mail something like a computer to London the recipient has to pay the tax on whatever you ship them.  So in true prank form the eBay seller assembled a fake Powerbook out of old computer parts and a three ring binder and mailed it to London with a value of 2,000 dollars.  

As a result the scammer had to pay over 500 dollars in taxes just to pick up the fake Powerbook.  It's a hilarious story and well worth the read if you find the time this weekend.  Here is a link to the original posting.

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