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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Tomb Raider Contest is Over....Finally!

If you have been following along for the past two weeks I have been waiting to see if I won a free copy of Tomb Raider: Underworld from the video game website Kotaku. You see they had a contest calling for fake Tomb Raider box art. Because I like free shit I went ahead and made this.

After emailing it in I waited for almost two weeks until they announced the finalists. To vote you had to leave comments on the website but because I wasn't a member of their website I couldn't vote. 

Long story short no one could vote. The system was broken and they had to have people vote again. Yesterday they held the second round of voting and the results came in today. 

I lost. :( 

Not to worry a truly creepy Tom Selleck cover won.

I'm sure this contest was rigged. ;) Here is a gallery of all the finalists.  I must admit I do like the creepy Tom Selleck because it's pretty funny.  I still prefer my cover because it goes along better with the real Tom Raiders advertising which reads "Explore Everything."

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