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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Iowa City Pictures

So we got back from Iowa on Sunday afternoon but I'm just now getting around to posting pictures because I was a bit lazy on Sunday and had to work all day yesterday. I doubt anyone was hanging around this blog hitting refresh all day waiting for them anyway. :)

On to the pictures...

When we first pulled in we were a bit hungry so we all headed out to a restaurant call The Red Avocado which is a really good vegetarian restaurant.  Afterwards we headed out to a martini bar and had a drink.

The next night Laura made us some homemade pizza and we headed out to Studio 13 for some dancing and drunken fun.

Yeah that's me shit faced wasted....but what the hell....I was on vacation.

On the drive home we saw an ugly ass car.

All in all it was a kick ass weekend.  I'm still amazed on how much Iowa City is like Madison.  I guess it's just because they are both college towns.  Who knows?

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