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Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Does everyone remember Animal from The Muppets Show?  He is a pink hairy guy who plays the drums and looks like this.

Recently Animal has been spotted in Germany driving a British Audi TT at high speeds.

To answer your first thought, no that is not a photoshopped picture.  A German speed trap camera actually took that picture while the Audi TT flew by.  This isn't even the first time the crazy drummer has been spotted speeding in Germany.  The German police have found this less than amusing and recently explained to the press how the whole joke worked and how they are powerless to stop the Animal induced madness. 
The number plate is not enough [to catch and fine the driver]. We need clear evidence of who is driving the vehicle too. But because this is a British vehicle we can never get a decent picture [because he radar cameras are designed to take photos of the passengers in the left seat, not the right]. The driver has obviously worked this out because he has placed a large puppet in the passenger seat.

This may be an example of the famous British sense of humour but it is still dangerous driving. The driver has been caught on camera on several occasions and the puppet is on the passenger seat every time. We suspect he positions the toy deliberately before accelerating past the camera
Like most of the things on the Internet I only wish I would have thought of it first.  If you are interested you can read the original post here.

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