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Monday, November 17, 2008

MTV = Music Videos (For Reals)

In a move that I never thought I would see in my lifetime it looks like MTV is again focusing on music videos.  At least online at any rate.  If you head over to MTV Music you can watch a ton of music videos.  I don't want to say they have every music video but they have everyone I did a search for.  

It would be super easy for me just to post a bunch of videos I like in this post but I'll avoid doing that for now.  No I won't here is a Coldplay video which is kind of neat but the song sucks ass so mute your computer before you hit play.

Well maybe if dude wasn't driving like an idiot....I'm just saying.

Tomb Raider Contest Update

No word yet on a winner in the Tomb Raider contest I entered last week but entries were due on Friday.  Hopefully the winner is announced today and I can post a second time today telling you all how excited I am that I won a free video game.

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