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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tomb Raider Contest Non-Update

OK I have finally figured out what is going on with that Tomb Raider Contest over at Kotaku.  The night editor in charge of the contest just had a little baby...I guess he didn't but his wife did.  Because of the new baby he is not working at the moment while he takes care of real world life things.  PFFT!  Real world life things...I want to know if I won a free video game damn it!  

If you are really interested you can read his post about his new son here.  Or if you get distracted easily like me you can watch this neat video I found on youtube about how they make globes.

So over the next few days don't hold your breath for an answer to if I'm getting a free video game.  Instead expect more strange videos and other useless posts.

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