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Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Man Wargames was a good movie.  Sadly Wargames isn't what this post is about.  I have found a few more military themed things to talk about today to go along with yesterdays post about the abandoned Russian military base.

That is a super slow motion video of a tank firing a canister shot.  When you think of a canister shot think of a giant shotgun blast shot from a freaking tank!  It's used mostly in urban warfare and as you can imagine is pretty devastating the to human body upon impact.  Scary stuff!

A little less scary is the set of night vision goggles I found for sale online for a mere $89.99.  They run off 5 AA batteries so I don't know how long this puppy will have you stalking your neighbors before the lights go out but for that price how can you not want a set of these.  Just picture someone walking their dog in the middle of the night with a set of these on.

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