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Monday, October 6, 2008

A sad, sad post season

Well as of Saturday night the Cubs are done for the season.  It was a sad night for me and a lot of other cubs fans.  Last week I was writing a long blog about my disappointment with the Cubs but in the end I decided not to go that route and instead posted about a robot rock band.  It was a long blog and it used images I found of an abandoned Russian military base from 1946 to put my feelings of about the Cubs into a sad juxtaposition.  Today I'm not going to rehash that blog but I am going to show you those pictures.

This base was built in 1946 to protect Russia's northern coastline.  I couldn't find out when but it was abandoned semi-intact with it's guns and equipment left to rot.  The full gallery is really something to see and to be honest I would love to visit this place.  It looks truly haunting and I do love looking at abandoned places and just wondering what it was like when it was in use day in and day out.  Kind of like looking at the Cubs post season and wondering what could have been.  :(

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