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Friday, October 3, 2008

End on a High Note

I originally started to write this blog some time ago and it focused on how much the Cubs have let me down.  It was quite a bleak way to end the week so I deleted everything from that entry and am starting over.  Instead of getting all heavy about the possible end to the Cubs winning season I have instead decided to tell you all about a robot rock band.  A band that some of you may remember from your childhood.

This band may look familiar to some of you because the Rock-afire Explosion was a robot band that used to be installed in every Showbiz Pizza restaurant around the nation.  In Rockford Illinois, where I grew up, we had a place called Chuck E. Cheese which also had a robot band called the Pizza Place Players or something like that.  (I just googled it and they are actually called The Pizza Time Players.)  It turns out that a whole group of fans have been growing around the Rock-afire Explosion of the past few years and recently one guy got his hands on a complete Rock-afire Explosion band.  In his free time he has been taking the robot band and making them dance and sing to newer songs.  Apparently this is such a big thing that someone has a documentary coming about about it soon.  I was laughing my head off when I saw this the first time.  Someone needs to email this guy and request the band do Closer by Nine Inch Nails.

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