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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Video Games

OK I should retitle this Video Game because I'm only talking about one actual video game but I've already typed too much to go back now. 

While visiting Double Fine Productions website today I noticed they have a new online flash game called Tasha's Game.  It is fun and you should go play it fairly soon.

I also stumbled upon this awesome Lego model of Mario.

At first I was super impressed that someone built that out of Legos by hand.  Then I learned that he used a 3D scanner to scan a Mario figure into his computer and then created plans based off the scan.  I then went from super impressed to just impressed.

In other video game news (I knew I could get two in one post, now making the headline relevant) Mega Man 9 comes out today for Xbox Live.  This of course is neat because they designed the game to look and play like an old school Nintendo game from the mid-eighties.

I'm going to download it tonight and hopefully it is as difficult as the old Mega Man games were.  It's just kind of funny that I'm playing a game that looks and plays like it could have been make 25 years ago on a 300 dollar piece of machinery and I'm excited about it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing Tasha's Game, CLP. I'm a fan of Psychonauts so it's cool to play another Double Fine game. As for Mega Man 9... you're in for a real treat. The game is arguably even more difficult than the older titles.

By the way, do you also have a PS3? If you don't, I suggest you take a look at this Stacker 2 contest going on right now where you can win one (or another 360, your choice). There are less than 400 entrants as of now, and all you have to do to enter is design a 6 Hour Power t-shirt (which is surprisingly easy to do online). The contest ends in a few days, so get your entry in now before it's too late! Check out the contest details here: http://www.brickfish.com/Entertainment/Stacker2?tab=overview

Let me know if you enter, and I'll be happy to vote for your designs. I work with 6HP so feel free to ask me any questions you have about the contest or 6 Hour Power energy shots. Good luck!

Franklin Keane