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Monday, July 28, 2008

What the hell is papercraft?

Don't worry I didn't know what it was either until a few weeks ago.   While trying to come up with way to put off working on the recently completed trip video I found a blog called toy-a-day.  Toy-a-day is a blog where a new toy is made everyday using only paper.  In a way it's like a combination of origami and model making to give you a toy made completely out of paper.  I was interested so I looked into a little bit and even made a few of my own papercraft creations.

I'll be honest I was interested for all of thirty minutes in papercraft before my hopes of becoming a papercraft master were dashed after a quick search on the Internet.  Sure I downloaded a few .pdf templates, printed them out and even made three papercraft models.  Sure I made an Optimus Prime model out of paper.  Papercraft junkies would look at that picture of my papercraft work and say "so what noob!"  I didn't realize it then but apparently this is a VERY SERIOUS hobby.

First I found an Optimus Prime papercraft that could actually transforms into his truck shape. Mine can't do that.  In fact mine just sits there on my computer desk doing nothing.  :(  I next found this...

How can I compete with that? Look at that damn thing! It is completely made out of paper and paper alone.  I don't have that kind of free time.  Actually now that I think about it if I had that much free time would I really want to spend it making paper models?   

No I wouldn't.  

Oh well back to more important things...like playing video games

UPDATE:  After posting this blog I stumbled upon this.   It's a full sized house made out of paper.  I guess that really shows up that guy who just built a model of a house.  

What a loser.  =)

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