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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Although I didn't catch the show when it was on TV I did really get into Firefly later on DVD.  I'm not really sure what I think about the shows creator Joss Whedon's other stuff but I did like Firefly so I continue to give it a chance when I see it.  Recently he started a little thing called "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" with NPH (Neil Patrick Harris) and Nathan Fillion.  It's a pretty cool show about a wannabe super-villain who is trying to win the girl and join the Evil League of Evil but his nemesis, Captain Hammer,  keeps stopping him.  If you haven't seen the show yet I suggest you check it out.  They have all three episodes in one 45 minute show on hulu right now.

Speaking of online video I recently started to put all my video stuff up on youtube.  So until I get the video section of the webpage done I'll be posting new stuff on that.

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