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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Maybe spam isn't all that bad

I have to stress right now I'm talking about the email not the food. Spam the food is still horrible and quite salty.

So yesterday I went over to the spam section of my gmail account to delete the 700+ messages I had in there. I was just about to hit delete all when a spam email title caught my attention.

what a stupid face you have here CLP

How do they know I have a stupid face? Where do they get off calling my face stupid? I laughed out loud at the title and started to wonder what else this trove of spam has for me to laugh at. This is a short list of the titles I really liked.

The last developments in this field

OK now you have my attention...what are these developments you speak of?

Shake it! If you have what to shake.

How do you shake what? If only I wasn't so scared to open the email I could find out.


I have a few of my own already thanks. I don't need to read about yours too.

But he personal

I don't even understand that one.

Get a rod of colossal measurements!

How do they know I like to go fishing?

Hate Study?

I don't understand the question.

cutlery excitement, nervousness, or restlessness; severe dizziness,

OK this one was the best. Your excited, nervous, restless and dizzy and your playing with knives. I'm pretty sure that is a bad idea.

OK so spam is still a pain in the ass and we all hate it. Really it's not that funny either but who are you to judge? You have a stupid face!

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