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Monday, June 9, 2008

Rainy Weekend

I can't believe it but we are a mere two weeks away from our trip to the west coast.  I was really hoping to have a few more dollars laying around for this trip but at this rate I don't think I will.  Good thing we have the old trusty credit card on hand.  Keep your figures crossed but if we have time I'm going to get my picture taken in front of the Goonies house while we are out there.

Other than the realization that we would be leaving soon we had a busy weekend around here doing some cleaning and things that needed to be done.  We took a quick trip down to Rockford on Friday to clean and empty Jacque's aquarium.  It was a lot of work but was long over due.  I think Jacque is also happy that she doesn't have that on her "to do" list anymore.  Saturday we took the dog to the vet for normal maintenance and then did some shopping.  Sunday we had rain all day so we went to a play downtown which was fun.  Of course the highlight of my weekend was picking up the entire Rambo collection (all 4 movies) for 30 bux.  Immediately upon seeing said purchase Jacque asked why I would spend my money on such a stupid movie.  

Let me ask you this, if Rambo is so stupid why did I look over during the movies ending sequence to see Jacque's jaw on the floor and eyes wide open?  Because Rambo has that affect on people, that's why!

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