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Monday, May 26, 2008


I chipped a tooth yesterday. :( It doesn't hurt and it's in the back of my mouth so no one will notice but I still have to get it fixed. This isn't a huge deal because I have dental insurance now through work. What is a huge deal is going through all the paperwork I have sitting around so I can try and figure out what is covered with my dental insurance.

As you can see It was a huge amount of paperwork to sift through. After going though all that mess I couldn't find anything but a little piece of paper that says "Delta Dental" on it. I looked them up online and called the customer service department. They of course were closed for Memorial Day so I had to go back to the internet and try and find a dentist through "Delta Dental" that I can go to here in Madison. After trying to navigate poor web design for twenty minutes I finally find one near by. Being a holiday and all I called only to get a machine. So tomorrow I get to take off work and get my tooth fixed. I am scared to death of dentists. In fact just thinking about going in has my stomach all wozy. Wish me luck.

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