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Friday, May 23, 2008


I have been involved in a few graffiti projects over the years.  From filming documentaries on the subject to helping out on photo shoots, I have been around my fair share of graffiti artists.  In all my time spent around the subject I have never seen anything as amazingly epic as this work done in Buenos Aires and Baden by an artist named Blu.  Sure I have seen huge murals put up in a few hours but this is something on a whole new level.  The amount of work that went into this one video is amazing and I tip my hat to the artist of this piece.  The video below is an example of the work that Blu has been doing for years.  

Blu has work in London, Berlin and all over Argentina.  If you are interested in seeing more he has some other works posted on his website.  http://www.blublu.org/

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