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Sunday, June 1, 2008

The fail blog fails

Not to long ago I suggested that everyone check out the fail blog. Today I went online and check out the fail blog for the first time sense I posted that suggestion. It is now totally covered in ads and random stupid shit. I now highly recommend that no one go and visit the fail blog. EVER! It's sad when the fail blog fails and to make up for that poor recommendation I will post my own fail picture.


That is without a doubt a true fail. Now I'm not a very religious man but I know that dildos and Jesus should never go together. No matter what! That my friends is a fail. Hopefully in my future posts I will avoid suggesting things that suck. Perhaps I'll spend the rest of the time on this blog only posting about shit I do. Even if I do spend most of my time flying kites, playing video games, drinking beer, and watching movies.

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