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Monday, March 24, 2008


Well I hope everyone had a good Easter. We decided to stay home and do nothing all day due to the fact that we had already driven down to Rockford once this weekend. We just hung around and watched movies, cleaned the apartment, and ate food. While I did do a little web work around the site I didn't get around to doing anything too fancy. I have started to rework the Videos section so it will be more of a video gallery instead of a bunch of links. Eventually I'll convert all the old videos over to flash videos so they will play just like a youtube video.

While sitting around the house yesterday I did look into spider webs for some reason. I was reading about a bunch of spiders who made a web in Texas that measured 200 yards. In honor of that hard work I went out and found a neat youtube video for you to check out about spiders and how they make webs. I hope you like it.

Oh and if you don't like spiders you might not want to watch that video. Is that warning too late now? =)

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