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Friday, March 21, 2008

Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows

So every morning for the past month and a half I pull into a parking space at work and take a quick picture out the front window of my car.  Mostly I get a few clouds and perhaps a ray of sunshine when it isn't cloudy but I just keep taking the same picture every morning.  I was going to take all these pictures and make a time lapse video out of them but that seems like a lot of work to do each day so I have decided to go for a slideshow through photobucket.  So far it has worked out only OK.  It's easy to use and I can update the website in a few minutes however the down side is that I can only have 30 pictures per slideshow.  So instead of one super long slideshow with all the pics I can only have 30.  The work around for this right now is to have one featured slideshow with the newest pictures and all the older slideshows will be links below the current one.  So if anyone knows of a free place to host pictures and create a simple slideshow that can hold an unlimited number of pictures let me know.  In the meantime if you want to check out my daily sunrise pictures you can find that in the pictures section of the website.

Sadly I have no news of lollipops or rainbows.  =(

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