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Saturday, March 29, 2008

"We have a 459 in progress."

I found out last night that a 459 is the police code for a burglary. Last night I was leaving my apartment when I heard the alarm going off at the store across the street. I called 911 and let them know what was going on. I was talking to the 911 operator when I noticed that the guys or guy were still inside the building. While waiting for the cops to arrive I walked around the building to keep an eye on it in case whoever was inside got out. The cops came flying up with guns drawn and found out that whoever was inside broke in through a side window. I walked over and talked to a cop who informed me that they were about to bring in the dogs to try and chase the guy out of the building. He then asked me to return to my apartment and he would call me if he needed more information. So naturally I got home, cracked open a beer and started to watch the whole thing from my bedroom window. After that it wasn't that exciting because we could only see the back of the building. It really made me wish I had some night vision goggles or something to really scope out what was going on. (*Note to Self* Buy night vision goggles.) After about an hour of watching the whole show and waiting for something exciting to happen I gave up and went to bed.

I'll try to update this later today with more details.

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