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Saturday, February 27, 2010

How Facebook Guilted Me Into Keeping My Account

Today I went to delete my Facebook account just because. Not that I have had a bad Facebook experience or that I don't talk to anyone but I just felt like I didn't need to have a Facebook account any longer. I click on account settings, then deactivate account and that was when it happened.....

Facebook made me feel guilty about deactivating my account.

I was greeted by five pictures of my friends with text above each picture that reads "(USER NAME) will miss you."

That alone wouldn't have been enough to make me keep my Facebook account but the pictures that Facebook choose to show me just made me sad for leaving. Here I'll show you what I saw.

click for bigger image

How could you leave friends like that? I mean seriously look at the sad faces on Erik and Jacque.

click for bigger image

How can I leave Facebook now? You win this round Facebook....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm not a fan of guilt. I find it crazy that Facebook used me for purposes of guilt.

I feel used.

Although, I am glad your staying.