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Friday, February 26, 2010

Cool Stuff

This post will only be pictures of stuff I would buy if I had tons of money to just throw around for no good reason.

I would start by picking up one of these six pack carriers for BYO parties.

With the dry winter months hard upon us a nice masuto humidifier wouldn't be half bad either.

Speaking of cold weather how about a nice new mug for all my tea. This bar code mug has the bar code to sell the mug as the design.

While I'm warm I should also find a nice safe warm spot to keep my laptop when I'm not looking at cool pictures of stuff. How about a leather MacBook case.

While on the subject of my laptop why not make it look super cool with this Iron Man sticker. Very cool and colorful but I prefer the simpler Iron Man look.
Too bad this design is sold out. I'll have to make my own one of these days...or at least pick up another sticker from this guy.

And at the end of my money spending spree I can sit in my new submarine bathtub and relax.

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