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Sunday, April 19, 2009


It's official, I own a house in Madison.

I'm not sure what I expected but the whole process seemed a little bit anticlimactic to me. I signed about thirty papers or so and that was it. Done. I wasn't expecting streamers or confetti or anything of that magnitude but I expected at least a big smile and a hand shake. Instead we sat around and talked while some papers were faxed off and then the lady faxing papers comes back in and says "I guess we can leave now." Now that I think about it confetti and streamers (maybe even balloons as well) would have been cool. :)

So with that out of the way I proceeded to lose the house keys. Well not all of them but the keys to the front door anyway. Out dog trainer eventually found them yesterday when she was up to work with the dog in the new neighborhood. So far we have some pretty cool neighbors and an empty house. I can't wait to move some furniture into it soon.

Thanks to everyone for all the support and kind words. I promise to get back to posting mostly weird video game stories and pictures soon.

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