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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Art of Design

A few weeks ago I had a conversation with a random stranger at a bar. She asked me what I did and when I told her I was a graphic/web designer she looked at me like I just told her I was a Professor of Fake Jobs. I proceeded to tell her what I do in more detail but in the end it was all for nothing. She had no clue what a designer did. For a few days after that I tried to come up with a good explanation for what I do but in reality I get paid to make art all day. It's hard to justify the usefulness of that job to someone who's a lawyer and went to school for 80% of their life. Compared to her I'm just a dirty hippy that likes to draw pictures for fun. While I can't argue with that definition of a designer I can give you some sort of background on what it is designers do.

I found a post online that has a pretty good breakdown of the design process for a video game cover. While it may not cover everything I do in a day, it is a good look at what goes into design. I must also admit that for a video game cover this one is pretty cool.

You can read the whole blog entry here.

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