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Friday, January 23, 2009


Sorry I didn't mean to scare you with that title. I'm in a weird mood I guess. :)

I was going to talk to you about video games today. Surprise! I bet you didn't see that coming...

The picture above is from the hugely popular Call of Duty 4. Recently some interesting statistics were released about the Xbox 360 version of the game. For example over 10,000,000 people have played it once. I guess they can only count you one time.
71.1%, or 7,111,508 people have completed F.N.G.

That’s more than the entire population of Hong Kong (which is 7 Million).

68.8%, or 6,886,509 people have completed Cargo Ship.

This is the same number of adults in the US who were morbidly obese in 2005.

46.5%, or 5,654,643 people have beaten the game on any difficulty.

This is more than the current population of Finland!

2.8%, or 283,632 people have completed Airplane on Veteran difficulty.

The population of Stockton, CA is 280,000.

Sure it's not the most interesting stats around but that is a lot of people playing video games. You can read the original post here.

I also stumbled upon a neat interview with a famous pinball game designer by the name of Pat Lawlor. The interview talks about all kinds of stuff but the most interesting to me was the kinetics of pinball. The article is worth of read if you like to play pinball. So pretty much just Jacque will read that story. You can read it here.

For the people who don't really care to much about reading or statistics you can watch some videos.

This first video is for the upcoming Ghostbusters Video Game. I must admit I am a fan of the Ghostbusters movies and the shear fact that they have the original cast involved in both writing and voice acting in this game gets me pretty excited. We can all find out if it is good on June 16, 2009.

That is it for the week. I'll leave you with the one man Zelda band. It's not as fun as the Mario Kart Love Song but it's pretty neat.

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