I have also uploaded that to the pictures section of the website for your viewing pleasure. In addition to that I uploaded the 2008 Christmas card that Jacque and I mailed out earlier this week. I will posting an electronic Christmas card on the website soon. In fact when it's done it will be at this webpage. At this time I haven't posted it yet so if you don't see it at the link above just check it again in a few minutes.
Of course by posting that link before I post the webpage I'm now forced to upload it. See what I did there?
That card is so cute! I love it. Bring one when we get together... when are we going to get together?!? I'm in town until the 30th. I'm free Sunday. Are you guys coming into town at all? Love and miss you both.
I'll be in Rockford Christmas Eve and maybe Christmas night but I doubt it. Jacque and I both work the next day. Christmas Eve is the best bet. We are having a bunch of people at my Mom's house so you should stop out. Call me.
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