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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Getting it done

Over the past few days I have finished more projects than I have in the past two months combined.  I don't know what bug crawled up my ass to get me moving but I am really making progress on a lot of things that are long over due.  

Today Jacque is mailing out Christmas cards which we sat down last night and addressed.  I was working on designing them recently and finally finished that over the weekend.  If you sent me your address keep an eye on your mailbox for more useless crap.  

In the next day or two I should also be uploading that card to a website somewhere so you can see it even if you didn't send me your address.

I also bought bradleymackey.com over the weekend.  Right now all it does is point you to crappylogo.com but I might do something with it someday.  More than likely I'll sit on it for the full five years I have the domain and in the end do nothing with it.

I also finished an art project I was working on over the weekend.  It is a combination of Pen & Paper with Photoshop to create an image I call "M-95."  I was planning on uploading a picture of "M-95" but it's on the other computer and I'm feeling lazy so you don't get to see it yet.  I'll upload it when I upload the Christmas card.

Well that is all I have for now so I'm going to leave you with a video I found on YouTube today and a link to a video which shows you how they make frozen pizza.  Yum!  Pizza!

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