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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Go Vote Sucker

Well today is election day and you should really go out and vote.  I have already voted today and it was a mad house at the polls.  It makes me feel good to get behind a candidate that I feel will really make a difference in our country.

OK I didn't really vote for Robocop on a Unicorn but my buddy Justin did find a bunch more Robocop on a Unicorn pictures after my last post about Robocop.  So feel free to enjoy the newly discovered Robocop on a Unicorn pictures.  (with two more political stickers)

And my personal favorite...


Brooke said...

Justin is lying. He didn't find ALL those pictures. I'll bet money he's spent the last few days drawing that sixth one from the top/fifth one from the bottom. It's totally his style.

Anonymous said...

Actually, most of these are by me or by Glenn Cook.

They're from my flickr page.


-- Olav Rokne

Brad Mackey said...

I wouldn't be suprised if Justin DID draw all those pictures and is now going by the fake name of Olav Rokne to cover the whole thing up. Good job Justin! I'm sorry I meant Olav, good job Olav. :)