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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Waiting in Airports

It is always a bit of a mixed bag when you hang out in an airport. The people watching is kind of fun but it gets old rather quick. Luckily for me they have free wi-fi here and I can kill some time googling for weird images and watching movies. I just got done doing a google image search on the word "EPIC" which gave me a very cool picture that is indeed EPIC!

After seeing something like that you wouldn't think it gets much better but then I came across perhaps the most epic piece of art I have ever seen in my entire life. In fact this could the most epic piece of art the universe will ever see.

Robocop + Unicorn = WIN!

You have to wonder what kind of person first thought up that image. I'm sure there is a Robocop fan art community somewhere the absolutely when bat shit insane when they saw that picture. I'm sure it was posted in a forum somewhere and it was immediately followed up by about a million posts that simply said "OMFG! AWESOME!" It was accepted as bad ass in both the unicorn forums and the Robocop forums. Maybe, just maybe, it even found its way onto T-shirts and other things that internet citizens love to buy. All over the world Robocop and Unicorn fans rejoiced.

Man people love Robocop and Unicorns! I just love free internet in airports.

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