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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Florida Trip

We have returned from Florida to a cold rainy midwestern fall. Not exactly the warm weather we were used to for the last week. From talking to Greg it sounds like Florida has seen nothing but rain in the time following our departure from Orlando.

All in all it was a great time. I got to meet a lot of Greg's friends and also got to drink a lot too. Of course when two Mackey's drink a lot it tends to lead to trouble but that usually always equals a fun time.

Now on to the pictures....

We started the first full night in Florida off right with a night of drinking and wizard staff. In case you don't know wizard staff is a game where you tape your empty beer can to the bottom of your next beer until you have a staff. As you can see we drank a lot and basically caused a bunch of trouble.

Now that picture may need some explanation. Greg had asked us to bring him down a bag of Mrs. Fisher's potato chips when we came. I didn't want to carry a bag of chips around with me in the airport and on the plane so I went online and found out you can order chips from their website. So I ordered Greg 32 lbs. of potato chips.

As you can see he was pretty happy to have all those chips.

We also went to Disney's Animal Kingdom while we were there. It was pretty fun and we got to see a bunch of animals and other animal kingdom like things. I even went on a roller coaster which to be honest is not an easy thing for me to do. I'm scared to death of them.

Most of the time was spent laying low and just enjoying our time off work. We did spend a lot of time with Greg's friends who were all good people. Pretty much it was just a week of relaxation with a lot of food and drink.

Oh and we did make it to the beach for a bit on our last day. Good times....

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