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Friday, September 12, 2008

Red Alert 3

I love video games.  I'm sure more than a few of you know that by now just by reading this blog.  What many of you may not know is that my favorite game of all time is Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2.  The game was a completely wacky and unusually take on warfare that had you commanding giant mind controlled squid and mobile Tesla Troopers that electrocuted everything in your path.  The game is set in an alternate universe where the Russians spring a surprise invasion on the U.S.A. and your job as the Allied forces is to beat the invaders back into the sea.  Playing as the Soviets, you must quickly take over the Allied forces before they can mount a counter offensive.  The game is one of the most polished and enjoyable real time strategy games of all time.  There just aren't many games that allow you to have a group of giant mind controlled squid fight a group of sonar equipped dolphins to the death.  In fact Read Alert 2 would have been the best game EVAR if it wasn't for the glaring omission of soviet armored war bears.

Thankfully the October release of Red Alert 3 will finally solve this travesty once and for all.  And if soviet armored war bears weren't enough to get you excited about a video game...wait, seriously, soviet armored war bears wasn't enough to get you excited about a video game?

Well if that wasn't enough a new trailer for the game was just release showcasing some cool explosions and some great B grade story telling.

I can't wait! =)

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