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Monday, September 29, 2008


With October right around the corner the baseball post season is starting to heat up.  The Cubs play the Dodgers on Wednesday night in their first post season game.  I don't know how closely everyone follows baseball but I'm really excited about this.  I know every time the Cubs make it to the post season I say this will be the year so I won't say that this year.  I'm just happy they have had such a great season so far.  On Friday Jacque and I went to Milwaukee to see the Cubs play the Brewers.  We meet up with some friends and had a great time wandering around the stadium.

I think Jacque may actually understand why I love baseball now.  I'll have to make sure to get her to a game at Wrigley next year so she can really appreciate going to a game.  I'll have to upload a few more pictures from Friday's game once I them off the camera.  For now you can pass the time looking at the picture of Miller Park I took with my camera phone.

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