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Friday, May 9, 2008

Pontiac Ads

Do you remember that Spy Hunter Pontiac ad I posted in March?   If you don't then you should go check it out we will wait.  Seriously go check it out it was a cool ad.  This blog can wait while you catch up on cool stuff.  Isn't that what the interent is for.

Back?  Good, I hope you liked it as much as I did.

Well it turns out that they also made a Matchbox Car version of that commercial which isn't quite as cool but still kind of neat.  OK it's not even close to being as cool as the Spy Hunter ad but here is the video anyway.

Speaking of cars....on the way to work this morning an old lady (of about 80) was behind me in a car and she picked her nose.   If that was all she did I wouldn't be writing about it here.   Right after that she ate it.

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