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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Go Fly A Kite

Did everyone go see Iron Man this weekend?  If you didn't you should go as soon as you can because It was a really good movie.  I haven't walked out of a theater liking a movie that much in a long time.  Originally we were going to see it on Saturday but Jacque had to work.  Sunday was super nice here in Madison so we decided to go fly a kite and then make some BBQ for a friend of ours.  

Sorry to get side tracked but does anyone have a really good BBQ recipe?  I think everyone liked what I came up with but it seems like it needed something....

Anyway after we ate we missed three showings of the movie and it wasn't looking like we would see it at all.  We ended up leaving to see the 7:30 showing at 7:30.  After walking into the wrong theater and taking five minutes to figure out we were in the wrong theater we sat down just in time for the movie to start.  Good times.

I also wanted to follow up yesterdays awesome picture with another one I found online.  This one is from the Astronomy Picture of the Day website and it's the best picture of a total solar eclipse in Antarctica that you will see all week.

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