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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Work, Work, Work

So after all the busy days I had last week what do you think I did all weekend? Yeah I worked around the apartment all weekend. I spent most of Saturday cleaning up the place and making it look nice because we had people over that night. On Sunday we woke up early and rearranged the whole place. It has been something we have talked about for awhile now but we finally got around it to. It was the first time Jacque and I both had the day off in a long time so we took advantage of that by working all day. :)



It is still a little bit strange to walk into your own place and everything is different but it looks much more open and bigger now. I like it a lot and it seems to be a lot brighter inside during the day. The dog is still a little bit confused as to where her kennel is but she is figuring it out. When we first got done moving things around we had to walk to the store to pick up some groceries and we told her to kennel up but she looked around and couldn't find it. It was kind of funny.

On Monday I got a little artsy and painted the resistance logo on a few blocks of my own. I was pretty jealous after seeing the one on W. State St. last week so I had to make one for myself.

In the end I made three total but gave two away. The one I kept now sits proudly on my porch letting anyone who passes by know that I'm here to help the resistance if they need me.

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