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Sunday, April 6, 2008

My dog should wear armor

Wow sorry about that last post. That was a rambling mess. Not that my normal style of writing if much better but I guess I was sicker than I thought. Hopefully this post will be a little more coherent.

So not much new going on lately. I just got done giving my dog a bath and it occurred to me that I never told you guys that I started a myspace page for my dog. You can check that out at http://www.myspace.com/honeythadog if you want to send her some love. I myself never really got into the whole myspace thing so I'm living that out through my dog.

In other news Jacque had to work on Saturday and I had the whole day off. Normally when I'm left home alone with nothing to do for too long I end up doing something stupid like reinstalling the operating system on my computer or something else pointless. This time I was a bit more productive. I did all the dishes, made the bed, vacuumed the whole downstairs, moved the stove and cleaned behind that and then swept the kitchen floor. Oh and I made a suit of armor out of cardboard.

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