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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Head Cold, Public Urination and Banned Xbox 360 Commericals...The Aristocrats

So I have a head cold that is really pissing my off. I must have swallowed some strange alien embryo and have been coughing up it's slugged off decaying body parts for the past two days. On top of that my nose won't quit running and because of the sandpaper based tissue we have at work I now look like rudolph the red nosed reindeer. When you feel like this you are fairly reluctant to go into a job let alone two jobs. As my luck would have it I had to go to both today due to things I have to do. I made my way through the first job and was almost done with the second when something wonderful happened. I hear a little boy tell his mother that he has to go pee. Assuming she would ask for the key to the bath room I went and grabbed it before she asked. Instead she took the little out of about 4 out the front door and had him piss in the stores bushes right in front of our building. I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and pretend that the only reason she did that was because the kid has some sort of freak bladder problem where he has to go pee immediately after saying the words "I have to pee." Perhaps because of this she had no time to come and get the key to the bathroom before he wet himself. That or this lady is total fuck up of a parent. I'll let you decide.

I completely forgot about this commercial until today. It was banned here in America but they had no problems what-so-ever showing it in the UK. I thought it was brilliant and now I wish things like this happened in real life.


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