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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Helio wants to say hi

About a month ago I switched from Verizon to Helio cell phone service. The switch was without a doubt for the better. Thursday night I was doubting my choice when at 3:30 in the morning I got a text message from Helio asking if I liked my music ring-tone gift.  Now to give you a little background on this when I signed up for Helio I got 20 free downloads from Helio.  What they do is send them to you as a gift and then you download them.  Right after you download them you get a message asking if you liked your download and if you want to send one to a friend.  Well I had gone through the whole process of getting my downloads and the followup text messages a month ago so I was a bit surprised when I got another text message at 3:30 am.  I was more surprised when I got another one five minutes later.  Followed by another one five minutes after that.  This went on for 3 hours until I finally stopped at about 6:45 in the morning.  I tried to call Customer Support to see what was going on but they are only open from 8-5 or something like that.  All in all I got about 150 text messages from Helio asking if I liked my download.  When I finally got a hold of Tech Support they said to me "that is strange.  I'll look into that and call you back."  I'm not expecting a call anytime soon.

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