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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Pizza, pizza!

Having eaten every other piece of editable food in the house our broke asses turned out attention to what five dollars can get us. It turns out that in the fast food world five dollars can feed an entire starving nation. It's enough money to get tons of small items from any of the big chain restaurants. Alas this night we set our sights on the often over looked Little Ceasers. For five bux you can pick up a ready to go pizza of you choice. Jacque rolled in an picked up a cheese pizza and brought it back to the apartment to satisfy our hunger. Upon opening the box we discover we didn't get a cheese pizza but a sausage pizza. No big deal you can pick the shit nuggets off but I was still disappointed. Jacque took it a little further and actually called the pizza place and told them they messed up. The guy on the phone said we can come in a pick up a new pie and all would be good. After hanging up the phone neither of us wanted to venture back out into the Midwestern winter so decided to say fuck it and eat the pizza. After the meal I was still pissed so I filed a complaint online with Little Caesars. The very next day I get a call from the guy in Madison who owns all the Little Caesars around here. He apologized and sent me some free pizza coupons. Which was kick ass.

So the whole point of this story is that the guy who owns Little Caesars in Madison is a really kick ass guy.

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