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Friday, February 15, 2008

Karate Kid Part III

Thank god someone bought that PS3 from work before I worked again. I went over there with credit card in hand all set to pick that bad boy up. I was quite relieved to see that it was no longer in the store. Of course that means I now want to buy a Mac Pro to replace this aging PC. At least that is something I will use on a daily basis for years to come.

Last night I sat down and watched Karate Kid for the first time in years. I got to thinking about how fun it would be to do drunken audio commentaries for random movies I haven't seen in a long time. I could post them on the site and you could watch a movie with a commentary by me. I don't know how much interest that would get but perhaps that is a project I can peruse further in the future. I could start with Karate Kid Part III. I don't think I ever saw that movie.

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