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Thursday, February 21, 2008

GDC & Website News

Right now a little thing called the Game Developers Conference (GDC) is going on.  What this used to be is a place for game developers to get together and talk game development.  Over the past few years this little conference has gone on to also be a place to show new upcoming games for the big console makers.  Just yesterday Microsoft announced that they would be releasing Ninja Gaiden II and Gears of War II this year.  Both look very cool but what really caught my eye was a game I had never heard of before today.  It is called Fez and it looks like an absolute blast to play.  A video demo went up this morning at kotaku.com showing some of the game play.  At first I wasn't all the impressed with the game.  The music was kind of fun and the design had a very interesting look to it but the game play seems like a bit of been there done that.  Then at about 1:00 into the video it suddenly became clear to me what all the fuss was.  The game seems to resemble older titles like Crush or Paper Mario but it looks like this team of designers finally got it right.  What the hell do I know?  Rather than going on and on about it head over to kotaku and check it out for yourself.  You can see it directly by clicking here or you can head over to the developers page and tell them how much you like the demo at http://www.kokoromi.org/fez.

In website news I finally got some time to work with the design over the weekend.  I hope to play with it a bit more tonight and even a little bit this weekend.  My goal is to finally have the new website up by Sunday but don't hold your breath for that.  It will mainly be a blog page now that Crappy Logo Producitons is doing less and less freelance work.  Hopefully some of you will dig it.

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