Does anyone have a copy of Uncharted 2 that I can borrow?
Recently my friend Erik let me borrow his copy of Uncharted and I had a blast
playing it watching it. Uncharted wasn't my favorite game of all time but the story was enough to keep me playing through the levels. I thought the camera was a bit bad a times and the controls were a bit loose but overall I had fun playing it because I was interested in the story. I'm now interested in playing through the second game but I'm not willing to buy the game outright. The aforementioned problems I had with the first game are my primary reason for avoiding an out and out purchase. The other reason being that I would much rather use my $30 for food than a game I may play through once. Despite everyone saying it is the best game available for the PS3, I still can't bring myself to pick it up. Call me stingy if you want but $30 is still $30. So if anyone has a copy laying around be sure to bring it by my place next time you come to visit.
I have it and it's yours to borrow if you don't come across a copy from someone else by the time I see you next. And you can probably just hand it off to Erik whenever your finished with it. I think he needs to run through it yet, too.
Well that worked fast. Thanks JR I'll let you know.
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