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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Short Letter to the Drivers of Madison, WI

Dear Drivers in Madison, WI,

I have a few points to make that will make driving in our city a much easier task for all of us.
1) Turn Signals
Please use them when making a turn or changing lanes. It makes it easier on everyone if we know where you intend to go.

2) Changing Lanes
See Point #1. Also if you are going to change lanes do not speed up in front of someone and then slow down as they slow down to let you in. Doing so only ends up annoying you both, please continue at your current rate of speed and they will be happy to slow down and let you in*.

3) Dual Turn Lanes
Stay in your lane. For the love of god how hard is it to stay in your own lane?
Thank you for you time and attention Drivers in Madison, WI. I hope that this information was helpful and hopefully it will creates a more pleasant driving experience for all of us.

Bradley J. Mackey

* Assuming they aren't a jerk

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