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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cardboard Robocop

Later this month Jacque and I are hosting a big costume party for upwards of around 200 people.  We rented a local bar in Madison and we are going to have a lot of fun hanging out with everyone we know.  The only bad thing is that we have to plan a ton of stuff to get ready for this thing.  One of the things I've been putting off was building my costume for the party.  I have less than two weeks to go and I need to get this ready asap.  So tonight after class I came home and made some tacos.  Shortly after that I started a movie and set to work on building my very own Robocop costume.

After looking around the house for suitable building materials I decided to settle on cardboard and duct tape.  I'm sure something plastic would have made a better looking costume but we didn't have a lot of that laying around the house.  After two hours of futzing around with chest and helmet I'm starting to look a little like Robocop.  At the very least I'm starting to look like Robocop if he was built in Detroit today.

I'm hoping to get the arms and legs done by the end of this weekend but so far it's looking pretty good for two hours of work.  Just imagine how bad ass it would be if I actually started work on this costume when we decided to throw this party.  I bet I would have a screen accurate movie costume by now.  Oh well I guess I do have an almost finished attic room so I can honestly say I haven't wasted my free time too much.  I'll be sure to post some more pictures of the costume as I get closer to finishing it.


Darren Moser said...

Awesome suit so far, I made one for school back in 2000. http://thecardboardworkshop.wordpress.com/2000/03/01/robocop-suit/
Keep at it and you'll rock the party!

Brad Mackey said...

Thanks Darren. The suit turned out pretty good and the party was a blast. I'll post some new photos tomorrow morning. :)